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The Monthly News:  Staff Member Bios

Some personnel were on the staff all 29 issues of the Monthly News; some came and went.  Here is a list of staff members, and the issues in which they appeared. 


*Original staff


Issues of the Monthly News:





















Monthly News Staff Members

          Bert Adams (1933- ).  Born in Philadelphia, second son of Beulah and W. W. Adams.  B. A. William Jewell College (Liberty, MO) 1954, Th. M. Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, 1957; Ph. D. in Sociology, North Carolina University, Chapel Hill, 1960; Professor of Sociology, Wisconsin University, Madison, 1960- . 

         His interest in sports, especially sports statistics, is reflected in his sports writing in the Monthly News.  Only 10 ½ when the first issue appeared, his writing shows increasing sophistication as the issues appeared through January 1946.

          Beulah Adams (1900-1979).  Born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, second of six born to her father’s second wife (three older half-sisters were born to the first wife before her father was widowed).  Th. M. Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, 1924.
          A talented writer, she composed a crossword puzzle from scratch for each of the 29 issues of the Monthly News.  Reflecting a widespread attitude toward wives/mothers of the times, her sons never thought to list her name in the Staff box, an oversight for which they would like to make amends by giving her full credit here!

           Will Adams, Jr. (1929- ).  Born in Tuscaloosa, where his parents were visiting their families when time for him to be born, grew up in Wayne, PA.  World War II was his coming-of-age; he remembers at age 10 hearing on the radio Adolph Hitler declaring war on Poland (September 1, 1939).  At age 13, he and his younger brother Bert sought to start a monthly newspaper in summer 1942.  When a neighbor who worked at A. B. Dick mimeograph company offered to publish the first two issues, and their parents paid for the next two, the Monthly News was launched.  By January 1943 they had made enough money by selling the papers for a nickel each and ads for fifty cents a column inch to pay the costs for all the remaining 25 issues.

          The move to Kansas City in summer 1946 ended the newspaper.  Will earned a B. A. 1951, M. A. 1954 in Political Science at Kansas University; a second M. A. and a Ph. D. at Columbia University, 1960, 1968.  He taught Political Science at William Jewell College, Liberty, MO, 1955-1989.  His close witnessing of the death and destruction of World War II influenced his teaching and, before that, his editorials in the Monthly News.

          Dr. W. W. Adams, Sr. (1892-1977).  Born in Chelsea, Alabama, 18 miles SE of Birmingham, third of seven children.  Grew up on a farm.  First of his family to attend college (B. A. Howard College, 1921), he earned a Th. D. from Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, 1924.  First faculty member hired at the new Eastern Baptist Seminary in Philadelphia, 1924.  Professor of Greek New Testament 1924-1946; President Central Baptist Seminary 1946-54; Professor of Greek New Testament, Southern Baptist Seminary, 1954-62, and at New Orleans Baptist Seminary 1962-69.

          Dr. Adams’ teaching sought to educate those who were already Christians in what the New Testament requires of Christians.  His study of the Greek New Testament produced many insights.  His analyses of the news of the month 1942-46 often reflected his hopes for a better world and for justice. 

          Ann Beatty, Art Editor first issue (September 1942) only.  She was Bert’s age and lived next door to the Adams home at 314 North Wayne Avenue, Wayne, PA.

          Bob Breckenridge, Circulation Manager issues 1-16, September 1942-February 1944.  He was Will’s best friend at Radnor High School in Wayne, PA, through 10th grade, when Bob moved to Haverford.  He and Will spent many hours riding their bikes (too young to drive) around Wayne delivering the Monthly News and collecting from subscribers, and selling ads at $.50 an inch.


         Nancy Delaney was listed as Printer in the first issue (September 1942) only.  Actually it was her mother who worked in an A. B. Dick company, which produced mimeograph machines and supplies.  Mrs. Delaney paid for both of the first two issues (the second was only 2 pages!).  The Delaneys lived on the NE corner of North Wayne Avenue and Beech Tree Lane, diagonally across from where the Adams lived.

          Nell Walton (1913-2007), Art Editor issues 2 (October 1942) to 29 (January 1946).  She was Beulah Adams’ youngest sister, and lived in various towns in the vicinity of Lancaster, PA, within about 60 miles of Wayne.  She was born November 16, 1913, died December 20, 2002.  She married Wilmer J. Walton October 8, 1935, and had three daughters.  She drew the comic strip “Mr. McDaffy,” based loosely on Dagwood Bumstead.  She also drew the single panel “Private Smith,” which made generous use of military humor during World War II.  Occasionally she made other drawing, such as the portraits of the staff in the first anniversary issue, September 1943.  She also wrote occasional articles for the paper.

          Hal Sangree was Business Manager issues 18 (April 1944) to 28 (November 1945); Richard Cody was Circulation Manager issues 18 (April 1944) to 24 (January 1945, after which there was none); Amusement Editors were Janet Staley issues 19-20 (May-June 1944) and Sue Eakins issues 21 (July 1944) to 26 (September 1945); and Sylvia Beebe was Assistant Business Manager issues 21 (September 1944) to 28 (November 1945).  All except Sue Eakins were Bert Adams’ classmates; Sue was Will’s classmate and a girl he dated in 10th grade.

          Bob Lawson, (1929-2010) was Science Editor issues 27 (October 1945) to 29 (January 1946).  He was Will’s best friend at Radnor High School their Junior year (1945-46).  He published articles on science in the last two editions of the Monthly News.  That year Will dated his younger sister, Shirley, who was Bert’s classmate.  Shirley published a story in the final issue.

*Bert Adams

Beulah Adams

*Will Adams

*W.W. Adams

*Ann Beatty

*Bob Breckenridge

*Nancy Delaney

Nell Walton

Mrs. Delaney

Suburban Mimeographing

Wayne Printing Co.

Hal Sangree

Richard Cody

Janet Staley

Sue Eakins

Sylvia Beebe

Bob Lawson

Sports Editor

Crossword Puzzles


News Editor

Art Editor

Circulation Manager


Art Editor




Business Manager

Circulation Manager

Amusement Editor

Amusement Editor

Assistant Business Manager

Science Editor

All (Sports & Feature Editor 19 May, 1944)

All (unlisted)



1st only

1-16 (February 1944)



2nd only

3-22 (November 1944); none thereafter until

29 January 1946 only (HS student)

18-28 (April 1944-November 1945)

18-24 (January 1945); none thereafter

19-20 (May-June 1944)

21-29 (July 1944-September 1945)

21-28 (September 1944-November 1945)

27-29 (October 1945-January 1946)

1.   September 1942

2.   October 1942

3.   November 1942

​4.   December 1942

5.   January 1943

6.   February 1943

7.   April 1943

8.   May 1943

9.   June 1943

10. July 1943

11. September 1943

12. October 1943

13. November 1943

14. December 1943

15. January 1944

16. February 1944

17. March 1944

18. April 1944

19. May 1944

20. June 1944

21. September 1944

22. November 1944

23. January 1945

24. April 1945

25. June 1945

26. September 1945

27. October 1945

28. November 1945

29. January 1946

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